آموزش زبان انگلیسی

آموزش زبان انگلیسی , رایگان و تخصصی : آیلتس,تافل , توانایی صحبت کردن با لهجه های آمریکایی ,انگلیسی,مبتدی تاپیشرفته

آموزش زبان انگلیسی

آموزش زبان انگلیسی , رایگان و تخصصی : آیلتس,تافل , توانایی صحبت کردن با لهجه های آمریکایی ,انگلیسی,مبتدی تاپیشرفته

read carefully

 Loss of courage; fear.
 1) Lisa wanted to jump off the high diving board, but she got cold feet once she got up there.

2) The investors got cold feet and called the deal off.
 If your 'feet' are 'cold', you can't walk or move forward very well - you are frozen in one place.

Just around the corner

Explanation : 

 Just around the corner -  not far away, going to happen soon


Example : Everything is a bit depressing at the moment, but I carry on in the belief that good times are just around the corner

life or lives

Dear azadeh 


there was an error specially a grammatical error in ur comment so i see its better to solve it for u  

"Life" and "lives" are singular and plural, so it comes down to an agreement issue.  Singular is supposed to stay consistent with singular antecedents and verbs; and plural is to stay consistent with plural as well.  Even though we hear it wrong all of the time


thus  you should use lives  

tnx for ur comment